Training Fee : Free
General information about Galileo Training - Mechano stimulation
Time: 10:00 – 11:30
The training will be Live Streamed in Zoom.
General Description:
Functional principle of Galileo® Therapy
The principle of Galileo is based on the natural movement of human gait. Galileo's side-alternating motion is similar to a seesaw movement with variable amplitude and frequency, and therefore stimulates a movement pattern similar to human gait. The rapid movement of the training platform causes a tilting movement of the pelvis, just like when walking, but much more frequently. To compensate, the body responds with rhythmic muscle contractions, alternating between the left and right side of the body. From a frequency of about 10 hertz onwards these muscle contractions are not a conscious process but, rather, are a reflex. This stretch reflex activates the muscles in the legs, the stomach and the back right up into the trunk.
The number of stretch reflex contractions per second is determined by the adjustable training frequency. For example, if a training frequency of 25 hertz is selected, 25 cycles of contraction in flexor and extensor muscles occur per second. A training session of 3 minutes at 25 hertz therefore causes the same number of muscle contractions as walking a distance of 4,500 steps.
The vibrations generated by Galileo can be continuously varied in amplitude and frequency independent of body weight.
Suitable for:
Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, trainers.
Upon completion of the training, the participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Instructor: Chris Baur (M.A.), Pforzheim, Germany
Biography: Chris Baur finished his Bachelor of Arts degree in sport science and health management at the KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) in 2004, and earned his Master of Arts Degree in sport science at the Institute for Sport and Sport science at the KIT in 2006.
From 2002 till 2008 he worked as a therapist and trainer at the TRImedic Health Centre. He was responsible for the injured soccer players to prepare them for return to play. Beside the soccer players he had several profession athletes for rehabilitation and training on elite level.
Phone +357 22 250 115
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